PhD Research Fellow
Dept. of Linguistics
Blandijnberg 2
9000 Gent
ph: + 32 9 264 79 54
cell: + 32 497 082 201
laura.bruno at
Laura Bruno studied Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Bologna (2009–2013), focusing on German and Dutch. She wrote her thesis in Historical Linguistics about the semantic development of Dutch diminutive suffixes, supervised by Prof. Elisabetta Magni and Prof. Marco Prandoni.
Laura attended the University of Amsterdam in the academic year 2011–2012 as an exchange student; there she studied the history of the Dutch Language, Old High German, Frisian philology, and she attended courses on language contact between Frisian and Hollandish, linguistic theories, German literature, translation (NL-IT) and linguistic typology.
During the period of 2013–2016, Laura studied Historical Linguistics at the University of Pisa and graduated cum laude with a thesis in Germanic Philology (supervisors: Prof. Marco Battaglia and Prof. Romano Lazzeroni) on charms and remedies against epilepsy in Medieval Germanic texts, with a linguistic analysis of two charms (Contra caducum morbum and Pro cadente morbo).
In 2016, Laura also attended the Summer School of Linguistics in Leiden in and attended courses on Old High German, Sumerian, Indo-European Phonology and Morphology, as well as on Historical Grammar of Germanic.